Tuesday 10 July 2012

Tools to collaborate

Hi again,

today we've been learning about some of the tools that web 2.0 provide us to work collaboratively, such as Wiki and Google Docs.
The first aproach to Wiki, which was an unknown resource for me, was a bit disconcerting. We coudn't find proper examples where the collaborative idea was shown. We found plenty of Wiki spaces where the teacher provided contents and resources rather than promote the children participation in an network enrivonment. After struggling a bit to create our first-simple Wiki project I think I could grasp the great possibilities the tool ofers us as a teachers. Now I know I need more practice in this tool.

When working with Google Docs with the purpuse to create a collaborative presentation the feeling was another. We could experiment how easy and useful the tool can be. We easily could explore its possibilities and create a shared product quite quickly. Here you can see the results....

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